Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Art Deco

On my way home from the subway today, I was thinking so hard about the next EBW Challenge that I overshot my turn by a whole block. For the last challenge, I knew exactly what I wanted to make right away. But this one is taking a little more planning. There are so many facets of the art deco movement that I just can't seem to pinpoint what I want to make or even which part of the movement I want to use for my inspiration.

I am very drawn to the delicate jewelry of the period, and I've sort of designed a bracelet and a necklace in my head. I would really enjoy these things, but they would not exactly be my most complicated or time consuming creations.

From the little internet research I've done, the art and architecture of the period seem to be much bolder than the jewelry. I could also have a lot of fun exploring shapes, and I've also cooked up some ideas for a bracelet cuff that would do that. I've even been (half seriously) toying with the idea of creating a tiny mini-building out of beads.

And then there's the ever-present real life getting in the way. Today, I had leftovers from a chicked and eggplant dish that I made on Sunday night for dinner. I'm beginning to realize that I haven't cooked a meal in literally months. (Not including Lean Cuisine and Campbell's Soup! ;-) ) For a Manhattanite, that's very normal, but it isn't normal for me. I love eating my own cooking almost as much as I love eating my mom's cooking! If only there were more hours in the day!!


GrandmaMarilyn said...

I know what you mean. I have all kinds of ideas going through my mind for the next challenge

SarahKelley said...

Whatever you do it's gonna be awesome! Can't wait to see it!

Melody Marie Murray said...

I'm with you on the total immersion in this challenge! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

:-) MaryLou said...

When you figure out how to get more hours in the day, please share! :-)

I'm looking forward, as always, to seeing all the entries for the challenge. Art Deco ought to be a log of fun.